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Curse Of Strahd: International

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Written by: Cinder


  • Moon: DM
    • Atomic: Kain
    • Mandy: Ben
    • Solar: Corvus Thrash
    • Void: Xander Thrash
    • Luke: Quill
    • SamJG: Dorian Kreease
    • Darwin: Elisia Kindread

A Gnome Artificer, early into his career he hopes to craft and invent stronger forms of firearms. his journey hasnt taken him far before he is caught up in a bigger story than he planned for.

A long faithful Paladin in search for his nephew. His brother who he had not had contact with for close to a decade suddenly showed uo to Ben's door, Desperate and exhausted. His son, Ben's Nephew was missing, possibly kidnapped.
Ben's brother on his hands and knees begged for help and how could Ben refuse.
So he set out on a journey to find his missing nephew, the last lead being a land called Brovaria this land was not marked on any map but the most tak about this seemingly made up land was in a small town, there he heads and meets up with a colourful cast of adventurers.

Corvus Thrash
A tiefling bard having a harsh midlife crisis, he realises he has been spending too much time breaking his marriage vows and not enough time with his son. after the death of his now Ex-wife left Corvus with full custody over their only son he vows to go on a new adventure, father and son to “man him up”
Corvus in his own world dose not see that too the rest of the world h is about as fit a parent is as a raving bear to an infant. But out to prove them wrong as Corvus thrusts Xander in to all sorts of cursed danger and disaster. its sure to be a ride.

Dorian Kreese, A human workaholic currently dee into his studies and the University of Magic He has been forced to take some leave due to the massive amount he has accumulated over the years, convinced “its a opportunity to study abroad”
With almost no social skills and extremally concerned on the cleanliness of anything he touches, Dorian Is a hard person to interact with on the best of days.
a skilled artificer makes him a valuable asset to the team, and he hopes to become stronger during his adventure but its well know he only wishes to return to his office and books.
A lack of direction more or less lead him to this small town at a mountains base, a promise of rare information lead him to working with the rest of the party.

Quill, Kenku are known for mimicking others voices and not being able to fly, Quill is no exception, Quill isn't very exceptional at anything really and that's what makes him long to be better.
An Author in the making with big dreams to get his name out there on a published book. its hard to write with feathers for fingers but Quill is determined.
Aside from the big Dreams of publishing novels, he is a skilled ranger. spending a lot of his time in the forests of his home city. he has journeyed far and still has a longer journey to go, getting the story for his book, what was meant to be a small job in a layover town may yet turn into his greatest story ever.

Elisia Kindread
A Naga librarian from the dark depth of an ancient unnamed forest. she has come out of her den with the promise of rare scribe and a personal invitation that found its way to a mailbox that should not exist, intrigue by the methods she has made the effort to meet this host.

The land of Bovaria is a mysterious place, most doubt its existence, a simple fairy tale. but for one small group of adventures its quickly turned into a nightmare.


Arriving in Brovaria Corvus immidetly tries to steal from a local shop, howerve the shop owner is very rude charging very high prices so most of the party let it slide.
the party also buy some 'cheep' magic items from a crazy back alley store clerk. Corcus buys a ice ring, Kain buys a tornado in a bottle.

The party meet Irrina's brother in a bar and berate him, he seems pretty weak and Corvus isn't a fan.

The party explore a nearby charge where they find a prist who has trapped their turned son in the basement. the party free the son and end up killing both the priest and the son out of some misguided mercy.
Ben thinks there is a way to save the turned son but Corvus disagrees, with the rest of the party abstaining Corvus uses the kill to man up his son Xander….and fails

they start thier journey to the manor were they fight off some dire wolves and encounter Straud for the first time, Corvus tries to fight thrash while the rest of the party bring the tension of the encounter down. but during the fight the party realise that Corvus's son Xander is no where to be found.
They camp in the manor overnight where Irina tells the party of her father.

The party journeys back to the town were they started thier journey. as Irinna and her brother burry their father the party follow an old lady with a shopping cart selling fresh baked goods.
the party falls for a hag's promise. Corvus and Ben both partake in the baked goods, while Ben dose not fall for their spell Corvus does.
Elisia is lead off alone and offered a deal, she accepts and is transformed into a hydra, the party rather surprised but otherwise do not react to much to it.

Corvus becomes addicted to the Hag baked goods.

The party head out the main road where they encounter a vistanti camp, here the run into a night elf who has lost thier child, the party go out to rescue the child from a made hermit near the river, Elisia pretends to be a sea goddess that the hermit is sacrificing the child too while the party secure the Childs safety. Kain and Ben think its possible to reason wi9th the hermit while Thrash and Elisa belive he should be killed. the hermit is eaten by Elisia.
They return to camp where the night elf gives them good information then the party leaves.

The party get a lead and go to take irrina to where she needs to go, however in a graveyard the group is stopped by some night creaters as well as Ben's nephew who seems to have joined Straud's side. a fight breaks out with our party claing victory however Ben's Nepher escapes.
Kain recives an invitational letter from Straud himself.

In the same graveyard the party finds to hags digging up graves, after thrash Kills one on accident the other runs away, the party follows to find an old functioning windmill.
here the party learn that children are sold to these hags then ground up into the baked goods the party had been seein throughout thier journey.
The party find Corvus's son and get into a fight with the hags, they come out victorius, destroying the windmill and saving three other orphans, they also recive magic items curing them of the baked good adiction.

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  • Last modified: 17 months ago
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