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Whispers of the Wilds
Game start
Frostmoot, Year 12343
Our heroes have all been called to a large town within Vylnaa Forrest. The mysteries of a realm known as the Fey-Wilds has called each of our heroes for one reason or another. Each character has their own personal reasons for wanting to get to the Fey-Wilds but its a common goal and adventures always prefer to work as a group. With hardly any knowledge of what awaits them or even a solid way of entering the Fey-Wilds they gather in town for meet and greets and to try and follow some leads.
The Fey-Wilds has been recovering from a 22 year war. While much of the land remains unclaimed territory a recent shift in power has left much of the claimed land under one leader. Now the mad queen known as Adelina has left the Fey-Wilds during a crucial time. with no rightful ruler to command the Armies the small nations are otherwise left to simple repair and wait their ruler's return. The rest of the Fey-Wilds citizens have mostly returned to life as normal but threats still linger in the wilds.
You start your adventure in Grovistide. Upon arrival you learn that the towns name has changed to Rubenhide and the townsfolk speak utter Jibberish. They are friendly folk
In Party
Species: Half-Elf Giant1), Class: Storm Sorcerer/ Eldritch Knight (Fighter)
A storm chaser and novice weather scholar from the islands of Pernitusler. He's been exploring the lands for a number of years documenting and studying the various weather patterns found in different countries. But despite the strange and odd storms found Ardin desires something more “wild” The next step was to travel between planes. When he caught news of the land of the Fey he knew that was to be his next destination.
Status: Revived
During Session 27 Caligos accumulated 3 failed death saving throws and officially died in the Night Hag's lair, With literal seconds to spare the party managed to cast revivify Caligos bringing his soul back from the grasp of the afterlife.
Raishin Uvasteen
Species: Giant/Dragon, Class: Barbarian Beast, Monk Astral, Draconic Sorcerer.
A descendent of Giant and Dragon, Raishin has been traveling alot in the past few years in search of answers to the mysteries that surround her. Traveling with the Band of the Black Albatross as one of their soldiers for several years. After learning there may be family in they Feywilds Raishin demands she be released from the armies control. A duel was held against the leader which she won and took her leave heading for Grovistide.
Anaise Welington
Species: Fairy Dragon, Class: Bard Creation Collage.
Joined Session 12
A Fairy Dragon, or so she says. Her Draconic heritage was stolen by the Hags plaguing the Feywilds. She joins up with the party to help them put a stop to the hags influence and get what was stolen back.
Gimblehorn Folkor
Species: Gnome, Class: Warlock Fiend
Joined Session 16
Gimbelhoen has always been a gambeling Gnome but one day he dealt a hand against someone he had no hope of beating. His servitude now in a Fiend Patron's hands he has been summoned to assist the party.
Species: Loxodon, Class: Druid Circle of Moon
Joined Session 19
Isooz is one of Razza's Druid circle members. he had joined Razza as well as 4 other Loxodon in preventing the disaster that was foretold. though the group was separated. Isooz came to the City of Glass to find Razza had perished.
Species: Harengon, Class: Cleric of Twilight
Joined Session 00
Text here
Species: Dragonborn, Class: Paladin2), Warlock(10Lv) Barbarian(5lv) 3)
Joined Session 00
Text here
Species: Fairy, Class: Aberrant Mind Sorcerer
Joined Session 00
Text here
Species: Tabaxi, Class: Arcane Trickster Rogue
Joined Session 00
Text here
Departed or Perished
Species: Loxodon, Class: Druid Circle of Dreams
A Loxodon originally from Arcadia. A noble creature with heart set on destiny. Tormented by a gift or curse of divining dreams. Exiled by his people due to his dreams he has left Arcadia and entered the mortal plane in search of the Fey lands his dreams show him every night. The journey is long and he almost looses his mind but here he is at the end of his journey but beginning of his Adventure.
*Perished in Session 18, Drawing the Death Card from The Deck of Many Things He and the rest of the party it seems put up no resistance letting the Avatar of Death execute Razza right in front of them.
Arno Knell
Species: Drow, Class: Battle Master Fighter, Echo Fighter/Sorcerer
A Drow that's been living on the surface for a number of years. Mother Drow while Father was something else. Taken to a corrupt religions sect at a young age he experience the worst people in religions power were capable of. Saved by a Paladin who he trained under for a majority of his young adult life.
With his mother missing for just as many years he catches news of her possible whereabouts with a trinket and dreams.
Setting off to the town Grovistide located in Vylanna Forest
Left in Session 26, The Emotional weight of recent events had finally broken Arno, After choosing to rescue his father over his mother and being rewarded by him speaking down about him and his mother Arno lost it and beat his father within an inch of his life, cutting off father's right arm at the elbow in the process. He then dragged the bloodied dad out into the dark blizzard, The last words the party herd are “Lets go see Nicorash together” before leaving the hag's fortress and disappearing into the blizzard.
Keenan Ken Lockheart
Species: Eladrin, Kenku, Class: Druid
A young man who made a deal with a hag that backfired. He was transformed him into an Eladrin and his family was robbed of all of their memories of him. He seeks a way to restore their memories and revert back to his original form. A little revenge against the hag wouldn't be too bad either…
Left in Session 28
The Weight of this adventure had worn through Ken throw-out the tail end of this chapter. Deciding to commit to going home after the Nightmare hag had been dealt with, And Dealt with she had been. Requesting to be sent home now with the additional power he had Access too both Wicked and the Prince of Desires agreed, At a Cost.
The Cost was paid and Ken was reunited with his family. but not before a somber goodbye with his other party members. Wishing him well on future endeavors. And with that he was taken through the portal with his family and returned home. Gone.
Technical & Mechanical Details
Level 12 Note Your character will be at level 12 for a majority of the Champaign so create them with this in mind that you will not be receiving level ups for an extended period of time.
- Edit: As of the end of Act 2 the players are now level 15
Class Any officially published or listed in the Classes list
Species Any race in the Species list.
Background You have a need, and urge or a desire to reach the fabled land of the Fey-Wilds. Perhaps something precious was taken or stolen from you. A special sword. a rare book or even your voice!.
Perhaps a friend, family or a foe has gotten to the fey wilds and you are trying to track them down.
Or maybe you are a simple scholar who is researching the land of they Fey, wanting to get some first hand experience?
even you may have simply gotten caught up with the rest of the party and just going with the flow.
What ever the reason this is your characters goal. meeting up in town where you herd there was information on how to get to the fey-wilds
Gear & Other
- 5000Gp + 1d10x100Gp (This will be used to purchase your starting Gear and may be spent before session 1 by asking the DM)
- One uncommon item
- One Rare Item
Whispers of the Wilds
Campaign 10
Raishin Uvasteen
Caligos Uvasteen
Anise Welington
Gimblehorn Folklore
Razar (Perished)
Ken Lockheart (Departed)
Arno Knell (Departed)