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Return to Cultures - Known Dragons
True dragons are winged reptiles of ancient lineage and fearsome power. They are known and feared for their predatory cunning and greed, with the oldest dragons accounted as some of the most powerful creatures in the world.

Dragons are also magical creatures whose innate power fuels their dreaded breath weapons and other preternatural abilities. Many creatures, including wyverns and dragon turtles, have draconic blood. However, true dragons fall into the three broad categories of chromatic, metallic, and gemstone dragons. While most dragons fall into their generalisations some do go against their typical nature.

Lairs. Depending on the particular dragon their lair can differ greatly from one another, for example chromatic dragons settle in nature and can over time mould their grove into a hidden sanctuary or their cavern into a feared locale. Metallic often hiding in plain sight in large mansions, vast homesteads or sprawling castles. Gemstone dragons being few and far between can be found on either sides of the spectrum of lairs.

Shapeshifting. All dragons have the ability to shapeshift into a humanoid form, some do this more than others but in among all known reports of shapeshifting, dragons only have one form that they take, and often still use their own name in their humanoid form.

Memory. Dragons have an extraordinary memory, often if they met someone memorable either helpful or violent generations ago they'll be able to smell and recognise an ancestor, which can cloud the dragon's judgement either benefitting or hindering the ancestor's endeavours. This long lasting memory also gives way to long standing loyalty or vengeance with other beings and their descendants

Dragon Lifespan
Age Size Title
0-15 Medium Wyrmling
16-100 Large Young
101-800 Huge Adult
800+ Gargantuan Ancient
Alignment Overview
Good Neutral Evil
Lawful Bronze
Ruby Blue
Neutral Topaz Sapphire
Chaotic Brass
Emerald Black

The black, blue, green, red, and white dragons represent the evil side of dragonkind. Aggressive, gluttonous, and vain, chromatic dragons are dark sages and powerful tyrants feared by all creatures- including each other. They are driven by greed and power, they hoard wealth or find themselves in positions of power to fund or further their goals, only spending their wealth as a last resort, preferring to use the presence and strength.

The brass, bronze, copper, gold, and silver dragons seek to preserve and protect, viewing themselves as one powerful race among the many races that have a place in the world. They tend toward curiosities, hoarding items such as art, relics, magical artefacts and even mundane items like clothes and furniture if they take a liking to it. Unlike chromatic dragons they are willing to part with treasures for the right price/trade or noble cause.

An often forgotten branch of dragons, gemstone dragons are among the oldest variety of dragons, tending toward psionic abilities they abandoned their wings in preference to mental powers to lift and propel themselves. Gemstone dragons hoard knowledge over the material, collecting lost lore, forbidden knowledge, grand history. Only willing to share their information if they receive new information in return.

Dracoliches are not natural born dragons, they are created either in a ritual of their own design or resurrected by powerful mages or necromancers.

Shadow Dragon
Much like dracoliches, shadow dragons are not naturally born, if a dragon spends long enough in the shadow realm whether as an egg or anytime after hatching become corrupted. These dragons can also be created from pure malice and hate or other forms of corruption.

Dragon Turtle
Like the gemstone dragons, dragon turtles they are few and far between, often only referred to in myth and legend, these mighty sea dwelling dragons can be mistaken as other large sea beasts so records on population are highly debated.

Only one Onyx Dragon has ever been documented throughout all of the planes and their histories, Cthrion Uroniziir. None have seen her in at least 10,000 years.

the Eternal
Age/Sex Ancient Male
Type Blue
Domain Carfell Rise, Reton
Lair Golden Caverns

Dyndryd leads an army of kobold that call a lightning filled cavern home. He is loyal to Narkul, acting as an advisor to politics and the arcane.

Saviour of Dragons, Destroyer of Man
Age/Sex Adult Male
Type Black
Domain Mulburg Marsh, Reton
Lair Unknown

Leader of Order of the Lost Keep, he led outlawed races to safety during the time after the Ashlem War. Now works with Dyndryd and Narkul, seemingly against his will.

Queen of Oxtrad
Age/Sex Female
Type Silver
Domain Luna Valley, Oxtrad
Lair Umastryx

Ruler of the northern lands for close to a century, Her resolve has been shaken in recent years longing to leave her post as Queen for a simpler life far from the Drama of politics and War.

Unknown Name
the Unseen Lady
Age/Sex Young Female
Type Green
Domain Golden Coast, Covania
Lair Destroyed? / Sunwood

Information through Blackfyre's divination

the Cold Knight
Age/Sex Adult Male
Type Silver
Domain Narod Desert, Covania
Lair Unknown

Meddryd hides as a rugged mercenary within the Narod Desert, often staying moving between jobs, he was chased out of Sunwood 80 years ago. He is a self proclaimed coin collector, preferring rare coins over value.

Unknown Name
Unknown Title
Age/Sex Ancient Male
Type Red
Domain Cunning Expanse, Covania
Lair Unknown

Blackfyre divined the presence but no other information.

the Virus
Age/Sex Adult Female
Type Shadow
Domain Ashlem Rise, Oxtrad
Lair Unknown

Saphira alongside Johm made their escape from Exilis, they have remained hidden ever since.
Blackfyre divined the presence but no other information.

Unknown Name
Unknown Title
Age/Sex Unknown
Type Unknown
Domain Unknown
Lair Unknown

Unknown Name
Unknown Title
Age/Sex Unknown
Type Unknown
Domain Unknown
Lair Unknown

For the Usermaatre, a nation ruled by dragons before their fall from Kingdom of Covania please see their dedicated page, details of their fall are detailed in the Dragon Crisis .

  • culture/dragon.1698471400.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 17 months ago
  • by Kyle