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Type: Spear, Class: Mundane Rarity: Rare, Attunement: Not Required

Properties Stats
Style Martial
Weight Normal
Range 10ft
Hands 2 Handed
Damage 1D10+2 + 2D6 Fire
Special Damage is considered Magical

Heart of the Dragon

  • While wielding this weapon you gain 20 Temporary Hit Points, This effect refreshes daily at Dawn and doesn't refresh if unequipped and re-equipped.

Spell Resistance

  • While wielding this weapon you gain +3 to all your saving throws

A masterfully crafted spear forged from Red dragon parts. It radiates heat as if it where alive.

Crafted from the corpse of a Red Dragon known as Kalithak. A commissioned weapon from a wealthy adventurer. Its said that the adventurer and smith went back and forth on the design of this weapon for many weeks never coming to an agreement until the smith simply stop replying. The end product was not well received by the adventurer who later sold it to try and make some money back.
It has dipped in and out of merchant's hands even since until it arrived at a shop in Hazelpost by the name of Decota tails.

  • item/dragon_nail.txt
  • Last modified: 7 weeks ago
  • by Cinder