Lily Vale Cemetery

Located an hour south of Ferrabreeze, this large cemetery is owned and managed by Robert Knight from 12288 onward.

Ryker & Talia Knight
Date of Death: 1st Wednesday of Snowmoot 12258
Loving parents who passed before they should of.

Zonatar & Sheila
Date of Death: 12287 (Empty grave)
The Gods tore them apart, never to see each other again.

Date of Death: 12287 (Empty grave)
Rest in Peace

Venenum Amicus
Date of Death: 12287 (Empty grave)
Rest in Peace

Blinding Spear members

A master worked Doubled headed Glaive stands impaled in the ground, amongst the graves of Blinding Spear. it has been subject to overgrowing plant life and dirt but holds no sign of rust or wear.

Kilvar, Date of Death: 12285
Sacrificed himself for Blinding spear during the Ashlem war, Let it be known his sacrifice single handedly turned the tide of battle.
A Great Shield rests on the grave, Badly burned and melted, it saved the lives of so many

Rozie, Date of Death: 12286
Murdered by those she was meant to protect. Her name stained by the country she served. A true leader and worthy comrade.

Bryn Galanodel, Date of Death: 12286
A blank grave aside from name, it looks as if someone had tried to carve some words but stopped shortly after the first few strokes

Grit, Date of Death: Exilis
The grave only contains the bones of Grit, His body was writhing with the Livion Virus so his leader purged the flesh and brought back the bones. its unknown how deep the livion virus infects but Zyllis thought it was worth the risk to bring Grit home

Seril, Date of Death: 10749 (Empty grave)

  • location/lily_vale_cemetery.txt
  • Last modified: 15 months ago
  • by Kyle