
Lord/Lady ?
Classification Town
Population Total 1,500
Demographics ?
Location Narod Desert, Covania

Cros-Glas is a small town in the middle of the Narod Desert, formed in the crossroads between the Golden Coast, Eastern shores of Covania, Graycott, and the Cunning Expanse.
Town's history says the roads were formed by a dragon attack long ago turning the sands to glass, some scholars and sceptics debate that dragon fires don't burn hot enough or long enough to form glass but offer no alternatives on how the glass roads were created.

The markets are the primary draw to Cros-Glas, many traders using it as an exchange.

Most notable feature is a 3 to 4 story tall tower, tallest structure in town and further than any to beyond the horizon.

  • town/cros_glas.txt
  • Last modified: 23 months ago
  • by Kyle