Albaz Serko

Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Xanatha's Guide to Everything
[3] Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

Art by Cinder-Lonestar


Name / Titles: Albaz Serko
Class: Infernal Beastheart
Species: Minotaur (Boar)
Nationality: Meshela
Home: -

Character Information

Background: Performance Cook
Born: 2nd Tuesday, Highsun
Alignment: Neutral Good
Languages: Common
Tools: Cook's Utensils
Gear: Simple weapons
Axes, Bows,
Light & Medium Armor, Shields
Saves: Strength
Profession: Cook
Treasure Hunter
Affiliation: -
Faith: -

Physical Description

Type: Monstrosity
Height: 223cm \ 7.3ft
Weight: 313kg \ 690ibs (Obese)
Size: Medium (1×1)
Complexion: Light Grey Fur
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Orange
Tails: Orange Tuff at Tip
Details: Orange patches
Gender: Male


Partner: Vex Decota
Honey Decota
Parents: Unknown

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: Buffalo Ribeye
Favorite Drink: Temple Under Rock 1)
Games: -
Hobbies: -
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Music: Punk Rock
Plays Drums

Stories & Campaigns

Hunberry Slavers: Player Character (Solo)
-: -


Level 5 Base Total
76 of 108
InitSpeed Prof
-1 30ft +3
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
39 17 00
15(+2) 8(-1) 12(+1)
12(+1) 18(+4) 16(+3)

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat

+0 Medicine
Animal Handling
+02)3) Nature
+0 Perception
+0 Performance
+0 Persuasion
+0 Religion
+05) Sleight of Hand
+0 Stealth
+0 Survival

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill

Primal Exploit Modifier

Ability: Wisdom
Save DC Modifier
15 +7

Albaz is a underrated treasure hunter from Meshela. Born in Mor-Thir's Reton but moved to Meshela early into his life when the Ashlem War began. Even since then he has lived in Meshela, very rarely traveling to other nations. settling into his home town up until the past few years when a desire to explore gripped him in the shape of a gelatinous cube.
During a simple trip into the nearby dungeon Albaz encounter a gelatinous cube not like others. A primal surge of magic awoke when the two first made contact. able to understand each other. The creature would follow Albaz where ever he went, Unable to get rid of this unlikely companion Albaz turned to research.

Soon discovered to be an ancient lost type of magic known as BeastHeart a few similar cases had been propping up over the world but far to few to know all the mysteries surrounding this lost magic. For it to spring up in Meshela of all places was truly a miracle.
Adjusting to this new chapter of life was, In Albaz's words 'Interesting'.
As he has been training and researching his new found power his body has begun to take on some traits of his Gelatinous Cube Companion.

Albaz is a cheery easy going man with an nose for good food. He wishes to one day move to a small town isolated from the twisting tides of war and tyrants.
Treasure hunting although enjoyable at times is more a means to a income, His true passion being the love and creation of cooking, Specifically large meals for groups of people. Keeping everything cooking at the same time and lining up the finish times so that all the parts of a meal are ready together gives Albaz a sense of achievement. Cooking for a group is what he strives for, At the moment cooking for himself is lacking the feedback of an audience and his Ooze companion will happily devour anything thrown its way without preference.
Firborg are known to be native to the Feywild but Albaz has never seen it. Resembling a species such as a tusked hog or pig of sorts, With thick short fur, a simple tail with a tuff of fur at its tip. Most Pigs or Boars are often known for being overweight and Albaz is no exception. Even more so due to his overindulgence with his own cooking and a lack of consistent exercise. His frame is huge, Very obese struggling with his size is a normal occurrence in everyday life. Needing to take extra steps to make sure he isn't stuck or trapped in architecture designed for the average man. Becoming a blockade in the doorway of a busy Inn has happened enough times already.

Despite his physical appearance Albaz is a hard worker and always offering to help with the manual labor. Being very physically strong he is able to lift the heavy crates with ease, Its the long walk to transport them he struggles with.

It was supposed to be a nice personal vacation for Albaz off the coast, However little did he know meeting a Leonin by the name of riza would alter his life going forward. The woman showing strong interest in him from their first meeting and pushing flirtatious advances Albaz was caught off guard. Sharing her room for the night by the morning she was gone and Albaz learned she had stolen quite a few treasures from various other guests. Though it was short, The experience was a story to tell.
It wouldn't be long until their paths crossed again. A few months later while Albaz was cooking at a community event a familiar customer approached. Vex had stepped back into his life out of the blue and was eager to pickup where they left off. Albaz resisted and instead offered they enjoy the event together first, Then return home for desert.
They got to talking as Albaz prepared various meals for Vex. She openly admitted of her criminal life while Albaz told her of his Gelatinous Cube Companion.

Vex moved in with Albaz soon after. Though they have vastly different lines of work they both come home happy seeing each other.

Works a day job as a cook in a high end restaurant somewhere in Meshela when the area becomes more developed a name will be given.

Is a bit of a wine snop.

Choose a background, Mechanical lore based on your characters current or past experience

Relationship with Vex

This is a very rare fortified wine on the surface and it is imported from a variety of Underdark sources. It is always kept in opaque ceramic vessels as it quickly loses taste and its signature green glow if exposed to any light. This wine is rumored to be made of mushrooms that have never seen daylight.
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  • character/albaz.txt
  • Last modified: 10 months ago
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