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Cinder G Stem

Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Xanatha's Guide to Everything
[3] Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
[4] WotC Affiliate Homebrew
[5] Plane Shift

Name / Titles: Slayer, Cinder Grendal Stem
Class: Alchemist Artificer
Mutagen Blood-Hunter
Species: Elf
Nationality: Reton

Character Information

Background: Arch-Fey's Child
Born: 1st Friday, Reapwane
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Languages: Common
Tools: Alchemist Supplies
Glass Blower's Tools
Tinker's Tools
Poisioner's Kit
Gear: Light & Medium Armor, Shields
Simple weapons
Hand & Heavy crossbows
Saves: Intelligence, Constitution
Profession: Slayer, Alchemist
Affiliation: Hunter Pack Vein
Devil's Brew

Physical Description

Type: Humanoid
Height: 5.6ft / 171cm
Weight: 157lbs / 71kg
Size: Medium (1×1)
Complexion: Pale
Eyes: Red
Hair: Black with red tips
Details: Markings on stomach and legs
Black feathered wings on lower back
Gender: Female


Partner: Malice Decota
Mother: Valour Stem
Father: Kazrai Stem

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: -
Favorite Drink: -
Games: -
Hobbies: -

Stories & Champaings

Cinder's Tales: Cinder's Tales
-: -


Level 12
6 Artificer
6 Hunter
Base Total
81 of 108
InitSpeed Prof
+030ft +00
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
00 18 15
9(-1) 16(+3) 17(+3)
17(+3) 10(+0) 16(+3)

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat

+0 Medicine
Animal Handling
+0 Nature
+0 Perception
+0 Performance
+0 Persuasion
+0 Religion
+0 Sleight of Hand
+0 Stealth
+0 Survival

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill

Spell/Ability Modifier

Ability: Intelligence
Save DC Modifier
00 00

When patron's disagree a bargain is struck
When the Kraken Pateron's most loyal underling crossed the Arch-Fey Pateron she was furious, But a bargain was struck, the one who crossed the Arch-Fey would father her Sons & Daughters until such time as the Arch-Fey would achieve godhood.
Cinder was brought up in a posh life style, a level of etiquette and manors taught to her and Cinder's many siblings. Life was strict but never unfair and Cinder had access to a plentiful life style. even with so many mouths to feed, no one would go hungry.

To present day Her father still sends her letters constantly asking her status, pushing her to take up the eldritch arcane.

Having an Arc-Fey as her mother, Cinder never uses her true name as introduction especially with strangers, normally referring to herself as Grendal or Wicked. Cinder knows that Arch-fey can hold absolute power over you when a true name is known.
A women of average height and slightly above average weight. Red & black hair coloured with magic she stands tall with correct posture and a certain razor like elegance.
An expert of the womanly charms she possesses. Cinder learned long ago that the best way to open doors was to open your…heart…so to speak.
Commonly dressed in dignified clothes that a noble would wear. Her mother being a hobbyist tailor means she has a wide variety of outfits available, Suitable for all occasions. Always close to her side is a decorated Estoc she calls Repilcache as well as a bag full of bottles and vials of potions for friends and poisons for foes.

Cinder started her journey to become a Blood Hunter once she was able to leave the family home, Child to Arch-Fey and Eldrich spawn her entry was hesitated at first but after proving her moral she was accepted into the pack.
After finishing her training as a Blood Hunter she left the pack to further her skills at her own pace. Slaying beasts was fine but she wanted a deeper purpose.
The letters from her father flash in her mind wanting her to take ownership of the Sea Spire but to settle in one location so early into her life seemed wasteful. her lineage gifted her with longer life than most, time was her own.
wanting to place her own flag not get handed one.
Nowadays Cinder travels from town to town offering her services, All of them, in exchange for information leading to new exiting adventures.

Cinder is deadly precise in negotiation, Debate and battle, knowing exactly what she wants, never settling for less. A lustful aura follows her, willing and wanting to take different approaches to problems she encounters.
Overall most would describe her as sexy but odd, Obsessing over unique details but letting other more obvious problems slide.
She finds it very hard to camp outdoors, Having her own custom cart that is fully furbished and follows her where ever she goes, Pulled by monstrous mares that need no rest or food.
Often longing for her life back at her parent's mansion, Servants for every situation, Magnificent bedrooms, Stunning vistas and all her younger siblings to spend time with. Adapting to life on her own has been a big culture shock.
Brewing potions is her most productive pass time. Buying out local shops of any new or unique ingredients and mixing them together to see what kind of concoction it will make. Most don't have any interesting effects however she has discovered quite a few worthwhile brews from her experiments.
All her notes, Research, Hypothesis and recipes to do with her potions and mutagen brewing is kept in a large book, Hardly ever leaving her possession.

Cinder uses these potions and her skill with a blade to great effect in combat, Preferring honorable one on one duels but able to hold up against a group with all her different brews at the ready. However such primal solutions to problems is always her plan B, She prefers sweet words and flaunting body to pacify any would be foe.

Her birth-mother has said that her true form has yet to mature. Being the first born to Arch-Fey and Eldrich spawn Cinder has deep twisted heritage that has yet to blossom. An elf only in appearance for now until her heritage is awakened. Nobody is sure when or how it will happen. Cinder keeps this knowledge in the back of her mind. the idea that her self may be irreversibly changed any moment is something she wishes not to fret over.

Blacklist Brothel Take Over
An opportunity has presented itself. While doing some work as a Lady of the night Cinder was approached with a job offer. Some people saying they were from BLANK of Dragon Hold offered Cinder a well paying position at their Brothel. She tried to explain that it was just a side gig she did when her Potions were slow but the offer was high. Much higher than any job she has had before. Agreeing partly for money and partly for the intrigue. With promise she may continue her Potions business how could she refuse?

Odd markings depicting hearts desires and fertility cover Cinder's lower stomach and thighs. the markings don't hold any power yet but both her parents say the meaning is important.

Knowledge, A hard Addiction to Shake
Information is probably one of the finest sources of power available to us mortals, And I crave power as much as rich men and richer chocolate. When there are questions to be asked I ask them, Expecting answers in return. some tell me ignorance is bliss, Baha!
Books are a tame source of information but people tend to remember farm more interesting secrets, secrets that wouldn't be safe written down. The spoken word is only half the message, tone and body language play fifty percent of the convocation. if someone has taken the time to memories something it must be worth knowing.
Secrets are not normally written in books for others to see they are kept secret in the minds of people.

Speaking Properly
Proper Common, That's what father always said it was. in all honestly its more the accent then the language. I feel like the rudimentary of 'Proper Common' is simply the correct use of large vocabulary. I may seem like I am talking this down but I know the great power of proper language and convocation structure. Some lesser educated creatures may see my speech as 'snobby' or high strung, then wonder why doors that would be sealed for them open for me with great ease.

The Eldest Sister
Being the eldest to my Arch-Fey mother is an interesting spin on life. I have over four score younger siblings but mother says as I was first-born I was to inherited the strength of the Arch-fey. The rest of by brothers and sisters have to settle for small gifts of power while I am set to be blessed with that to mold nations. Father says I should better act to my heritage but I seem to have a weakness for money and the men that own said money. Most of my fortune is from gullible men. some would call me slutty or a gold digger but honey. I can't hear you, I'm too high on this life.
flash a coin purse or a precious gem or jewelry my way and unfortunately I will do what ever you want me to do…

Build bridges, Don't Burn Them
Making friends is infinitely better than making enemies in any any every situation, there is nothing further to discus on this topic.

Little regret for the way of the World
I don't ever feel bad for the people I use, The world is harsh and as a wolf must hunt to survive I must hunt to satisfy. People like to think we are above common animals yet we still follow the exacts same rules. I like to take advantage on men and women who are eager to have affairs against their current partners, its gratifying but I certainly don't see myself as some sort of vigilantly. simply a monster prying an easy target.

Precious possession
My sword?…well it was a gift…from my father. He said it was part of his collection from the war. pillaged on the battle field from a general. I don't know much of its history but it seems to be old, very old. a member of the 'Blood Hunters' I was training with that the blade was of Hunter design. Its history remains a mystery to me but I hope to make new history with it.

  • character/cinder.1698882420.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 10 months ago
  • by Kyle