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Warforged are a constructed sentient species created through out Felwind's History by various factions. AS their name suggests their original purpose were soldiers in great world altering wars. Not entirely Mechanical. Warforged are partially Arcana organic. Magical Arcana energy flows through them much like air and blood for other organic species. Being deprived fo this energy or having vital components damaged or removed entirely will end in the Warforged's Untimely death and much like any other species its very hard to bring a Warforged back after its 'death'. Though no afterlife awaits a Warforged.
Being Constructs they have no need for food, rest or even air. though they still need to take periods of time in inactivity to prevent over exertion leading to rapid wear and tear.
Warforged are rather rare in Felwind these days. There are various modules getting around the lands all with very different designs and quirks.

Title Detail
Species Class: Construct
Population: Exotic
Homeland/Origin: Realm, Nation Etc
Average Hight: Cm , Feet
Lifespan: Does Not Age
Physical Traits: Tails, Wings, Fur, Pointy ears, Scales etc
Source: Eberon: Rising of the last War. p.35

A race of beings not born but created. The first Warforged were created by the Wizard Huang Fei late in Age of Conquest (5000 - 7000) as more advanced golems, capable of individual thought and feelings, unbound to any master. With his creation his nationed ruled for thousands of years. However with the fall of Huang Fei's dynasty the creation of Warforged became a rare method. However there have been notable creations such as the clay and gemstone ones like Zyllis created by the Fire Giants of Nabilhime, S.A.M created from a sentient magic workshop, and the likes of Rathal created from dead discards combined with a fungus.

Creating a Warforged
Warforged are very rare in Felwind. the Sub-Species bellow outline a few different situations where a Warforged might be found. Perhaps an ancient Warforged that was sealed away on purpose or by accident has reawakened into a present Felwind. Perhaps a modern Warorged created to be a Farmer's assistant that wanted a better life. Or sold off to mercenaries. Or perhaps Your farmer employer was attacked and killed by something and you are seeking revenge or simply took the opportunity to escape. Or perhaps you even killed your master and are now on the run.

The Stereotypical Warforged people think of when discussing this constructed species.
Modern warforged are typically have only been built in the last 100 years and many are less than 50 years old. These warforged are crude in comparison than their Huang-Fei counterparts. Looking very golem like in facial features. Often very tall and bulky with their materials being based off how much money and care was used when creating them. A cheep Warforged would only have Iron or other cheep metals as plating.
Most Warforged made in the modern era are meant for labor or bodyguards. A rich noble or VIP may commission a Warforged or two be made as their personal guard while wealthy governments may order a group of warforged as cheep labor to assist farmland or freight harbors.
The Problem is that the design of Warforged lead them to be sentient in nature, Although they are taught to practically be slaves from creation that doesn't stop them from learning and getting ideas. Its an Uncommon story that a Warforged begins to question their situation and eventually escape or cause more dramatic issues. This has lead to most owners of Warforged to pay them and treat them properly as a normal employee to prevent such uprisings.
Many Warforged become mercenaries due to their combat efficiency but some may seek or stumble upon further enlightment.

Ancient Warforged that would be thousands if not tens of thousands of years old. If kept well preserved or kept well maintained it would be rather easy for a Warforged from the Age of Conquest to survive into the present. These Warforged make up a majority of their population in Felwind. With their advanced age they are often highly developed emotionally, Hardly sounding Artificial or robotic as most modern Warforged would. Unless of course a Huang Fei Warforged was rather sealed or preserved in a hibernation state being awoken by scholars or natural causes. a Warforged in this situation won't have had the years to develop and might thing the nations are still at war from thousands of years ago.
These modules of Warforged are desired for research purposes by less savory groups, Its best not to leave your Warforged friend alone in a shady alley, Unless of course they are well armed and capable fighters.
Warforged from this age often look like mechanized humanoids, Some to an uncanny level of detail. Polished metals and fine intricate details upon their metal plating. If well maintained even their faces are made of of thousands of small metal plates able to convey expressions.

An Extremely rare module of Warforged crafted in the past few thousand years. These Warforged are crafted very differently to a stereotypical build.
These Giant-Craft Warforged are made with a metallic Skeleton, Consisting of Mithril or other light weight strong metal alloys. Then this Skeleton is placed in a mold were a clay liquid is pours, Normally made or silver, marble, Unicorn blood and other rare hard to find alchemical materials.
The Result is a Clay Warforged. with an outer layer similar texture and feeling of Flesh and of course look completely mortal in terms of body anatomy and facial structure. Due to the materials these warforged often develop a unicorn-like horn or tails Even hair although the hair is still the same substance and so feels off to the touch and doesn't flow as normal hair would. The Metallic skeleton grows to accommodate this new anatomy. A truly self growing inorganic being.
But even after all this the Giant-Craft Warforged is an empty shell. Aside from very basic commands the Warforged in this state is unable to learn or communicate. Not until a soul is placed within the Large gemstone that can be found in their chest. Souls being the hardest thing to come by.
Perhaps your Giant-Craft Waroged was previously a normal mortal with their soul stolen, taken, given away and used to fuel this new body. Perhaps you are an experiment gained sentience. Perhaps your history is better left forgotten and this is a new start. Perhaps you were someone but the new you is completely different.

The Warorged self made by the sentient magic workshop S.A.M


  • culture/warforged.txt
  • Last modified: 8 weeks ago
  • by Cinder