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Feel free to use this space to create or read stories based in the world of Felwind or any of the connected planes and worlds. If writing a story there is a template below to create a page and quick details to hook a reader.

Written by:Sammy
Read Stories
Its known that most if not all Warforged were created by the Wizard Huang Fei thousands of years ago. fair few have been created recently based off Fei's design. But the Fire giants of Nabilhime had their own ideas. Its unknown if they were inspired by Fei or had the desire on their own volition.
The result was 3 Warforged bodies that lacked a soul, Conscious and alive but not living.
These stories follow one of these Warforged through their tragic war torn life.

Written by: Kyle
Various times. Covania
An unruly and boisterous elf is on a quest to become the greatest conjurer of all time. The young Sarren seeks power but all his teachers turn him away and refuse to help, his call for greatness has led him to the Gatiby Jungle where he has found a crone that can grant his wish but at what cost?
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Written by: Amber
Various times, Reton
Caelynn & Varis's stories
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Written by: Ida
Date/Time, Setting/Location, etc.
A solo mission where Riza returns to home
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Written by: Kyle
Follow the mighty adventures and fights of Aldrun's life as he finds his own title, sword, horse, and hopefully a glorious death. All while trying to figure out if 50 gold is enough for his next meal and how many days have passed since he last ate.
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Written by: Amber
Date/Time, Setting/Location, etc.
Pheonix Backstory
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Written by:Sammy
Ravi has had many adventures throught Mor-Thir and beyond, here you will find some about when she first opened her shop, What she was doing during her service to Narkul and even some lost stories about her time in the Promised Archapeligo.
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Written by:Sammy
Date/Time, Setting/Location, etc.
Raishin has left her home in the mountains she has know for many years, in an effort to find someone she has lost. Journeying from Oxtrad all the way to Reton she has run into a traveling trader early into Covania
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Written by:Sammy
Date/Time, Setting/Location, etc.
Ozrelia has left her home in Griaca on a ship bound for Covania. Landing in the port city of Ferrabreeze, Ozrelia has to make a new life for herself in this new land. Read Story

Written by:Sammy
Date/Time, Setting/Location, etc.
The Queen of Oxtrad has lead anything but a fairy tale life. Recounts of major and minor events throughout her birth, rein, death and rebirth. Welington writes almost everything down and here you may find some of the stories she has authored.
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Written by: Sammy
Kazrai Stem journeys to Stow-Jaw to find out what happened.
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Written by: Sammy
A well established pod of Mindflayers is going about their daily business when the elder brain notices its lost connection to one of its mindflayers. The pod is put on alert to find out what happened.
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Written by: Sammy
The librarian of Fate's Weave, Elisia. Has returned from her ordeal in the twisted land of Brovaria. A Naga woman now drastically changed and twisted herself. She must try to adept to these changes and re-carve her place on the Promised Archipelago or risk being chased out as a common monster. with a new air of divinity running through her blood changes are needed.
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Written by: Sammy
Teostra Hazzak has left his old life of thievery and criminal activity behind him, Now a father and with marriage on the horizon he decides to try to catch up with some old friends in an effort for closure, catch up and most importantly to invite. Leaving their home in NeedleWood Originally planning to travel alone however his pregnant fiancé Chaos insisted they travel as a family. The Greyhawk Rebellion has only recently concluded so travel around Reton is still dicey but the Family have almost made it to Rustiel to find Bemin.
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  • story/start.1695014839.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 18 months ago
  • by Kyle