Human Variant (Felwinder)

Standard across all:

  • Age. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
  • Alignment. Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.
  • Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Ability Score Increase. Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
  • Magical Intuition. Gain an innate ability to tell if there is magic or undead nearby, this comes naturally as goosebumps, hair on neck and arms standing up, etc. Most do not realise what causes it but scholars and magically inclined know of this natural reaction.
    Note. You cannot tell direction, distance, school, etc. only that it is there.
  • Nationality You also can choose a Nationality below which grants additional bonuses.


You hail from Covania, a harsh land where strength and intelligence is held to high regard. As such you gain the below traits:

  • Languages You can speak, read, and write Common (Colvillian) and one other language.
  • Skills You gain proficiency in Athletics and Survival.
  • Sunburnt You have advantage on saving throws against Fire damage.


You hail from Oxtrad, a cold and corupt land filled old and powerful magic. As such you gain the below traits:

  • Languages You can speak, read, and write Common (Oxtradian) and one other language.
  • Skills You gain proficiency in Arcana and Deception.
  • Spirited You have advantage on saving throws against Cold damage.


You hail from Reton or Greyhawk, a natural land wrought by evils throughout history. As such you gain the below traits:

  • Languages You can speak, read, and write Common (Armtonese) and one other language.
  • Skills You gain proficiency in History and Nature.
  • Forestborn You have advantage on saving throws against Poisons & Acid damage.


You hail from Perditsula, a land full of untamed wilds and faltering communities. As such you gain the below traits:

  • Languages You can speak, read, and write Common (Tsulan) and one other language.
  • Skills You gain proficiency in Animal Handling and Persuasion.
  • Explorer You have advantage on saving throws involving water & falling.


You hail from the Promised Archipelago, a dangerous locale teeming with pirates, mercenaries, and the likes. As such you gain the below traits:

  • Languages You can speak, read, and write Common (Pelagan) and one other language.
  • Skills You gain proficiency in Sleight of Hand and Perception.
  • Denied You have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed, Blinded or Deafened.


You hail from Athein, a land of harsh people and harsher weather. As such you gain the below traits:

  • Languages You can speak, read, and write Common (Atheinian) and one other language.
  • Skills You gain proficiency in Intimidation and Acrobatics.
  • Clouded You have advantage on saving throws against Lighting and Thunder damage.


You hail from Uthasil, a mountainous land rife with ancient secrets and magical gems and essence. As such you gain the below traits:

  • Languages You can speak, read, and write Common (Uthan) and one other language.
  • Skills You gain proficiency in Insight and Investigation.
  • Iron Will You have advantage on saving throws against Psychic damage.


You hail from Griaca, the land high above the world, closer to the Gods than all below. As such you gain the below traits:

  • Languages You can speak, read, and write Common (Griacan) and one other language.
  • Skills You gain proficiency in Performance and Religion.
  • Devine You have advantage on saving throws against Radiant & Necrotic.


You hail from Meshela, a land where ones health and welling being prevail over all else. As such you gain the below traits:

  • Languages You can speak, read, and write Common (Mesalese) and one other language.
  • Skills You gain proficiency in Stealth and Medicine.
  • Own Temple You have advantage on saving throws against being Frightened, Paralysed or Stunned.
  • homebrew/race/human.txt
  • Last modified: 19 months ago
  • by Kyle