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Cinder's Homepage

Class Data

Total Levels of Each Class

Private Page, Birthdays!

Hi there welcome to my home page. you can find my other characters Here

The Class Link will take you to that characters class, from level 1 to 20 including Feats and starting details.

The Species Link will take you to that characters Species details, things like traits, lifespan, speed, a physical description and some lore can be found here.

icon will take you to the character's art gallery. here is a display of various art pieces for the character.
Warning May Contain NSFW Content

icon will take you to that characters inventory and gameplay details. a full list of the characters inventory can be found here as well as quick reference for all their abilities, feats, movement, vision and other similar information

icon will take you to that characters spell list, Prepared spells and any other info relating to spellcasting such as focus, DC and special rules.

Quick Overview

Main Characters

Ravi J Decota
Class: Lycan Hunter
Gloom Ranger
Species: Shifter (Lycanthrope)
Nationality: Covanian
Occupation: Slayer
Affiliation: Hunter Pack:Vein
Decota Tales
Level : 17

Elanova Annabell Welington
Class: Tempest Cleric
Scribe Wizard
Species: Silver Dragon
Nationality: Oxtrad
Occupation: Queen of Oxtrad
Affiliation: Royal Conglomerate
Level : 7

Cinder Stem
Class: Alchemist Artificer
Mutagen Hunter
Species: Demonic Aberration
Nationality: Reton
Occupation: Slayer
Affiliation: Hunter Pack:Vein
Level : 5

Elisia Kindred
Class: Kraken Warlock
Storm Sorcerer
Species: Yuan-Ti (Mutant Naga)
Nationality: Islander
Occupation: Librarian
Affiliation: Serpent Empress
Level : 13

Iblee Lonestar
Class: Artillerist Artificer
Species: Abolith (Aberation)
Nationality: Off-worlder
Occupation: Courier
Affiliation: -
Level : 5

Maple, Lucky
Class: Inquisitive Rogue
Eloquence Bard
Divination Wizard
Species: Harengon (Fey)
Nationality: Reton
Occupation: Performer
Affiliation: Blinding Spear
Ray's Apple Farm
Level : 5

Sharphina Sap-Sap
Class: Wild Barbarian
Wild Sorcerer
Species: Goblin
Nationality: Islander
Occupation: Loot Goblin
Affiliation: Serpent Empress
Level : 5

Orphell the Oblex
Class: Mystic
Species: Ooze (Oblex)
Nationality: Uthasil
Occupation: Cook
Dungeon Maintenance
Blacklist Tool
Affiliation: Blacklist
Level : 3

Honoshin Yonari
Class: Ghostslayer Hunter
Phantom Rouge
Species: Tabaxi
Nationality: Fey-Wild
Occupation: Exorcist
Affiliation: Xiangjian Warriors
Decota Family
Level : 00

Nashandra Lonestar
Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: -
Affiliation: -
Level : 00

Luanier Welington
Class: Sorcerer
Species: Stella Dragon (Dragon)
Nationality: Feywilds
Occupation: Carnival master
Affiliations: Dragon's Nick-Knacks
Dragon Card Carnival
Level : 5

Teostra Hazzak
Class: Rune Fighter
Fire Druid
Species: Leonin
Nationality: Reton
Occupation: Laborer
Affiliation: Blacklist
Level : 6

Raishin Uvasteen
Class: Beast Barbarian
Astral Monk
Draconic Sorcerer
Species: Giant (Draconic)
Nationality: Covania
Occupation: Laborer
Affiliation: -
Level : 15

Ozrelia Lockheart
Class: Spore Druid
Species: Aarakocra
Nationality: Griaca
Occupation: Botanist
Affiliation: -
Level : 20

Class: Mystic
Species: Aberition (Astral-Born)
Nationality: Exillian
Occupation: Un-employed
Affiliation: -
Level : 20

Not So Main Characters

'Calamity' Nushi Gezykel
Class: Warlock of the Old Gods
Species: Vampiric Aberration
Nationality: Meshela
Occupation: Unemployed
Affiliation: Cult of Eyes
Level : 00

Class: Gloom Stalker Ranger
Species: Dryad (Fey)
Nationality: Fey-Wild
Occupation: Un-employed
Affiliation: -
Level : 5

Honey 'Baba' Emipharin Decota
Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: -
Affiliation: -
Level : 00

Galatea Decota
Class: Fey-Wanderer Ranger
Luna Sorcerer
Species: Cross-Breed Dragon
Nationality: Reton
Occupation: Travel Guide, Map Maker
Affiliation: Map Master Association
Decota Family
Level : 5

Class: Illrigger
Species: Asimar
Nationality: Celestial
Occupation: Unemployed
Level : 3

Rathal Yamagori
Class: Samurai Fighter
Undead Warlock
Species: Warforged (Undead)
Nationality: Uthasil
Occupation: Mercenary
Affiliation: Xiangjian Warriors
Level : 5

Folgo Decota
Class: Inquisitive Rogue
Eloquence Bard
Divination Wizard
Species: Tabaxi
Nationality: Retonite
Occupation: Thief/Assassin
Affiliation: Blacklist
Level : 13

Lord Maru Yin
Class: Fighter Samurai
Species: Bullywug (Localath)
Nationality: Fey-Wild
Occupation: Ronnin
Affiliation: Xiangjian Warriors
Level : 5

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: -
Affiliation: -
Level : 00

Class: Cleric, Knowledge
Species: Hag-Drider (Drow)
Nationality: Underdark
Occupation: Perfumer, Botanist, Hag-Things
Affiliation: -
Level : 00

Class: Glamor Bard
Genie Warlock
Species: -
Nationality: Griaca
Occupation: Map Maker
Affiliation: Map Master Association
Level : 6

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: -
Affiliation: -
Level : 00

Glayzel Decota
Class: -
Species: Tabaxi
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: Painter
Affiliation: -
Level : 00

Sozon Blitz Decota
Class: -
Species: Leonin (Gnoll)
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: Bandit
Affiliation: -
Level : 00

Carlormity Decota
Class: -
Species: Shifter
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: Slayer
Affiliation: -
Level : 00

Nicorash Stem
Class: -
Species: Human
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: Cultist
Affiliation: -
Level : 00

Nadalia Lockheart
Class: -
Species: Tiefling
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: Royal Guard
Affiliation: -
Level : 00

Zemnie Crescendo Welington
Class: -
Species: Thri-Kreen
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: Librarian
Affiliation: -
Level : 00

Doria Stem
Class: -
Species: Folklora (Dryad, Undead)
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: Sea Ferry
Affiliation: -
Level : 00

Zio Agasaki Stem
Class: Wizard
Species: Halfling
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Raveneye University
Level : 00

Filabean Lockheart
Class: Fighter (Arcane Archer)
Species: Aarakocra
Nationality: Griaca
Occupation: Adventurer
Affiliation: Lockheart Family
Level : 00

Jessika Welington
Class: -
Species: Dragonborn
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: Firearm Mechanic
Affiliation: -
Level: 00

Coco Decota
Class: -
Species: Minotaur
Nationality: Reton
Occupation: Author
Baker's Assistant
Affiliation: Decota Family
Level: 00

Class: -
Species: -
Nationality: Home or Considered Home
Occupation: -
Affiliation: -
Level: 00

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